Articles on or after 4/16/2024: PHYS.ORG - Earth

(Click a 'down arrow' on the left to view an article's summary)
A better way to predict Arctic riverbank erosion - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 25)
Dubai reels from floods chaos after record rains - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 17)
How spicy does mustard get depending on the soil? - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 22)
Malians struggle to cope after deadly heat wave - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 21)
Modeling broader effects of wildfires in Siberia - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 24)
Researchers develop forest extent map for Mexico - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 23)
Talks on global plastic treaty begin in Canada - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 23)
Victims of China floods race to salvage property - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 24)