Articles on or after 4/10/2024:

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Huffington Post:


PHYS.ORG - Earth:

Dubai reels from floods chaos after record rains - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 17)
How spicy does mustard get depending on the soil? - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 22)
Humans shape the journey of mud, study reveals - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 10)
Malians struggle to cope after deadly heat wave - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 21)
Panama plans dry alternative to drought-hit canal - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 11)
Researchers develop forest extent map for Mexico - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 23)
Study lists world's 'forever chemical' hotspots - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 13)
Study reveals giant store of global soil carbon - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 11)
Talks on global plastic treaty begin in Canada - PHYS.ORG - Earth  (Apr 23)