Articles on or after 4/24/2024:

(Click a 'down arrow' on the left to view an article's summary)

Grist Climate and Energy:


Heated World:

Behind the billionaire climate tax - Heated World  (Apr 25)

Legal Planet:


New York Times - Climate Section:

Breaking Down New Rules About 'Forever Chemicals’ - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 24)
Energy Dept. Aims to Speed Up Permits for Power Lines - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 25)
Five Major Climate Policies Trump Would Probably Reverse if Elected - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 26)
Five Things to Know About Biden’s New Power Plant Rules - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 25)
Honda Commits to E.V.s With Big Investment in Canada - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 25)
How Abrupt U-Turns Are Defining U.S. Environmental Regulations - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 26)
Key Solar Panel Ingredient Is Made in the U.S.A. Again - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 25)
New Biden Climate Rules Could Shutter Remaining American Coal Plants - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 25)
The fight over the future of plastics - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 25)
What to Know About the Breakup of Scotland’s Coalition Government - New York Times - Climate Section  (Apr 25)

Washington Post - Climate and Environment:

Heavy rains and flooding kill dozens as extreme weather racks Kenya - Washington Post - Climate and Environment  (Apr 25)
Nearly 2 in 5 Americans breathe unhealthy air. Why it’s getting worse. - Washington Post - Climate and Environment  (Apr 24)
New rules will slash air, water and climate pollution from U.S. power plants - Washington Post - Climate and Environment  (Apr 25)
U.S. solar companies, imperiled by price collapse, demand protection - Washington Post - Climate and Environment  (Apr 24)