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Record of 440 (to start the grid at a specific record, type the record number at the left and press [Enter])
View Type Title Content Summary Date Organization Info Details
View Article How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels Matthias Weyland loves having people ask... 9/26/2024 Grist Climate and Energy Info Details
View Article Conspiracy Theorists and Vaccine Skeptics Have a New Target:... BUYING TIME 9/26/2024 New York Times - Climate Section Info Details
View Article Ecuador capital 'under attack' from five wildfires Firefighters battled five blazes on the... 9/26/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Existence of an Earth-like planet around a dead sun offers hope for... The discovery of an Earth-like planet... 9/26/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Key negotiator Norway sees 'positive signals' ahead of plastic talks In the single week that world leaders... 9/26/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article New Research for Week #39 2024 Refined Estimates of Global Ocean Deep... 9/26/2024 Skeptical Science Info Details
View Article Plane contrails: white fluffy contributors to global warming The white, feathery lines behind... 9/26/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article World's first CO₂ storage service soon ready in Norway Norway is set to inaugurate Thursday the... 9/26/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Mars' missing atmosphere could be hiding in plain sight d="M12.132,... 9/25/2024 MIT - Research Info Details
View Article Chicago's Latino Neighborhoods Have Less Access to Parks, But... Carmen Barragan remembers the church... 9/25/2024 Info Details
View Article Prince William says make peace with nature The Prince of Wales has issued an urgent... 9/25/2024 BBC Info Details
View Article A new financing model could speed up forest thinning projects Stay in the know about climate impacts... 9/25/2024 Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems Info Details
View Article The unsung heroes of India's extreme weather disasters Stay in the know about climate impacts... 9/25/2024 Yale Climate Connections - Health Info Details
View Article Arctic sea ice near historic low; Antarctic ice continues decline Arctic sea ice retreated to... 9/25/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Baltimore Is Investing in Wetlands Restoration, a Climate Line of... Brad Rogers and Brett Berkley stepped... 9/25/2024 Info Details
View Article Will Young Voters' Initial Excitement for Harris Build Enough Momentum... Last night, the youth-led activist group... 9/25/2024 Info Details
View Article What was behind the seismic boom that wrapped Earth for 9 days? It was a warning shot picked up by... 9/25/2024 Grist Climate and Energy Info Details
View Article Net-zero targets are everywhere. But to be effective, they need... Averting a worst-case global warming... 9/25/2024 Grist Climate and Energy Info Details
View Article 'Invisible forest' of phytoplankton thrives as ocean warms, study... An "invisible forest" of phytoplankton... 9/25/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article As Global Temperatures Rise, Nigeria Faces a Cooling Crisis With electricity scarce, Africa’s most... 9/25/2024 New York Times - Climate Section Info Details

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Grist Climate and Energy

Matthias Weyland loves having people ask about his balcony. A pair of solar panels hang from the railing, casting a sheen of dark blue against the red brick of his apartment building. They’re connected to a microinverter plugged into a wall outlet and feed electricity directly into his home. On...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

New York Times - Climate Section

Conspiracy Theorists and Vaccine Skeptics Have a New Target: Geoengineering

Date Added:September 26, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Firefighters battled five blazes on the outskirts of Ecuador's capital Quito on Wednesday, as wildfires continue to rip through South American nations turned into tinderboxes by droughts linked to climate change. Some 2,000 firefighters, military personnel and rescue workers have been deployed...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Existence of an Earth-like planet around a dead sun offers hope for our planet's ultimate survival

The discovery of an Earth-like planet 4,000 light years away in the Milky Way galaxy provides a preview of one possible fate for our planet billions of years in the future, when the sun has turned into a white dwarf, and a blasted and frozen Earth has migrated beyond the orbit of Mars. This...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

In the single week that world leaders convened for high-level UN talks in New York, nearly 100,000 water bottles' worth of microplastics swirled through the city's air, posing known and still unknown risks to human health. "We talk a lot about plastic in the marine environment, but it's all...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

Skeptical Science

Refined Estimates of Global Ocean Deep and Abyssal Decadal Warming Trends, Johnson & Purkey, Geophysical Research Letters: Deep and abyssal layer decadal temperature trends from the mid-1980s to the mid-2010s are mapped globally using Deep Argo and historical ship-based...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

The white, feathery lines behind airplanes that look like bits of harmless cloud are anything but, warn experts, who say they could have a greater environmental impact than the aviation sector's CO2 emissions. The condensation trails - contrails, for short - are being increasingly studied as...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Norway is set to inaugurate Thursday the gateway to a massive undersea vault for carbon dioxide, a crucial step before opening what its operator calls the first commercial service offering CO2 transport and storage. The Northern Lights project plans to take CO2 emissions captured at factory...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

MIT - Research


Date Added:September 26, 2024

Chicago's Latino Neighborhoods Have Less Access to Parks, But Residents Are Working to Change That

Carmen Barragan remembers the church bells ringing from her village’s plaza in Michoacan, Mexico. She recalls looking out at the bustling courtyard filled with fruit vendors, children playing games and the verdant trees that engulf the plaza in her hometown of Cotija. That vibrancy is a standard...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

The Prince of Wales has issued an urgent call to end environmental destruction and to "make peace with nature". "We are living at odds with the natural world - and it is buckling under the pressure of our actions," he said, in a video message played at a Campaign for Nature event at the General...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems

Stay in the know about climate impacts and solutions. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Yale Climate Connections Thinning dense forests can help reduce the risk of intense wildfires as the climate warms. But getting forest restoration work funded can take a long time – and hold up this...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

Yale Climate Connections - Health

Stay in the know about climate impacts and solutions. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Yale Climate Connections Community health care worker Noushadbi Mujawar safely evacuated everyone from Rajapur, an isolated village in India, as its streets began flooding in August 2019. Mujawar, 42,...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Arctic sea ice retreated to near-historic lows in the Northern Hemisphere this summer, likely melting to its minimum extent for the year on Sept.11, 2024, according to researchers at NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). The decline continues the decades-long trend of shrinking...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

Baltimore Is Investing in Wetlands Restoration, a Climate Line of Defense

Brad Rogers and Brett Berkley stepped carefully on the gravel sill along the Middle Branch of the Patapsco River in South Baltimore, which when covered with sandy fill will serve as the bed for 11 acres of newly constructed wetlands. Rogers, executive director of the nonprofit South Baltimore...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

Will Young Voters' Initial Excitement for Harris Build Enough Momentum to Get Them to the Polls?

Last night, the youth-led activist group Climate Defiance - which had loudly called for Joe Biden to withdraw his bid for reelection earlier this year - endorsed Kamala Harris for president. But, despite that support and soaring enthusiasm from young people after Harris replaced Biden on the...

Date Added:September 26, 2024

Grist Climate and Energy

It was a warning shot picked up by seismometers around the world. Last September, a melting glacier collapsed, sending the mountaintop it propped up careening into the Dickson Fjord in East Greenland. The impact created a 650-foot tall tsunami - twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty - which...

Date Added:September 25, 2024

Grist Climate and Energy

Net-zero targets are everywhere. But to be effective, they need accountability.

Averting a worst-case global warming scenario will require the world’s largest institutions to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases, and do it fast. Over the last decade and a half, a standard form has emerged in which governments and corporations have made their promise to do so: the...

Date Added:September 25, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

'Invisible forest' of phytoplankton thrives as ocean warms, study shows

An "invisible forest" of phytoplankton is thriving in part of our warming ocean, new research shows. Phytoplankton are tiny drifting organisms that do about half of the planet's primary production (forming living cells by photosynthesis). The new study, by the University of Exeter, examined...

Date Added:September 25, 2024

New York Times - Climate Section

With electricity scarce, Africa’s most populated country struggles to provide lifesaving cooling without worsening the very crisis causing the heat.

Date Added:September 25, 2024