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Title:Amazon removed Just Walk Out from many of its own stores but wants to sell the system to others

Amazon wants the public and - especially other businesses - to know it's not giving up on its Just Walk Out technology.

Although the company is ditching the cashier-less checkout system at its Amazon Fresh grocery stores, it plans to sell the technology to more than 120 third-party businesses by the end of the year. Reaching that goal would double the number of non-Amazon enterprises that use Just Walk Out compared to last year.

"For us, really making sure that we can service that third-party market is the most important thing," Jon Jenkins, the vice president of Just Walk Out at Amazon, said in an interview. "We've definitely been reassuring people that we are in this for the long haul."

Just Walk Out uses cameras, artificial intelligence and sensor trackers to determine what's taken off of shelves, enabling customers to grab what they want and leave if they insert a credit card or another payment method at a store's entry gate.

The retailer first began offering the technology to other businesses - such as sports stadiums - in 2020, two years after it started using it at Amazon Go convenience stores. Those stores and some Amazon Fresh stores in the U.K. will continue to offer Just Walk Out. But the technology will be replaced with smart carts at Fresh stores in the U.S., Amazon announced this month.

Smart carts, which are already available in some Amazon Fresh locations, use sensors to identify items placed inside and have screens that allow customers to see nearby deals as well as how much their groceries will cost. Customers can skip the checkout line by scanning and tallying up items on its cameras.

The change comes as Amazon is working to revamp its Fresh stores with a mix of technology and traditional grocery offerings that will help it attract more customers. The company's grocery store brands include Amazon Fresh and Amazon Go, as well as supermarket chain Whole Foods, which it purchased in 2017 for $13.7...

Organization:PHYS.ORG - Technology
Date Added:4/18/2024 6:38:59 AM