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Title:How sure are climate scientists?

We were recently made aware of a new video created by Neil Halloran called "Degrees of Uncertainty" which is an animated documentary about climate science, uncertainty, and knowing when to trust the experts. Watch it on YouTube (24 minutes):

Neil credits several climate scientists at the end of his video and one of them, Zeke Hausfather, had this to say about the video on Twitter (click for larger version):

Degrees of Uncertainty features four moments of interactivity that are only available when viewing the film on Neil's homepage. When the option is presented, simply pause the video to activate an "interactive mode" featuring clickable content:

Click on the image to access the video on Neil Halloran's homepage.

Well worth watching and sharing as far as we are concerned!

Comments 1 to 2:

The movie does have some good features like that graphical time line. It talked a lot about uncertainty in science, and quoted some big medical science mistakes, and although it tried to explain why climate science is different, it did this rather weakly for me. It could leave a lot of people feeling "uncertain" about climate science and whether action is required. It seems like a gift to the denialists.

Thanks for this! I will absolutely share it and even include it as a reference in my projects! Brilliantly done!

THE ESCALATOR (free to republish)

Organization:Skeptical Science
Date Added:5/11/2021 6:34:30 AM