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Title:Graphene key for novel hardware security

As more private data is stored and shared digitally, researchers are exploring new ways to protect data against attacks from bad actors. Current silicon technology exploits microscopic differences between computing components to create secure keys, but artificial intelligence (AI) techniques can be used to predict these keys and gain access to data. Now, Penn State researchers have designed a way to make the encrypted keys harder to crack. Led by Saptarshi Das, assistant professor of engineering science and mechanics, the researchers used graphene - a layer of carbon one atom thick - to develop a novel low-power, scalable, reconfigurable hardware security device with significant resilience to AI attacks. They published their findings in Nature Electronics today (May 10).

"There has been more and more breaching of private data recently," Das said. "We developed a new hardware security device that could eventually be implemented to protect these data across industries and sectors."

The device, called a physically unclonable function (PUF), is the first demonstration of a graphene-based PUF, according to the researchers. The physical and electrical properties of graphene, as well as the fabrication process, make the novel PUF more energy-efficient, scalable, and secure against AI attacks that pose a threat to silicon PUFs.

The team first fabricated nearly 2,000 identical graphene transistors, which switch current on and off in a circuit. Despite their structural similarity, the transistors' electrical conductivity varied due to the inherent randomness arising from the production process. While such variation is typically a drawback for electronic devices, it's a desirable quality for a PUF not shared by silicon-based devices.

After the graphene transistors were implemented into PUFs, the researchers modeled their characteristics to create a simulation of 64 million graphene-based PUFs. To test the PUFs' security, Das and his team used...

Organization:PHYS.ORG - Earth
Date Added:5/11/2021 6:34:30 AM