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Title:Barnaby Joyce’s Nationals threaten to blow up any climate ambition, and it’s making life hard

The Nationals could shrink our markets for agricultural exports in less than two years

Barnaby is back. The Nationals have delivered leadership into the hands of a political terrorist and his allies, thereby throwing tacks under the tyres of rural communities. Slow clap for them.

Meanwhile, the rest of us out here in their actual electorates are trying to run businesses that depend on Australia following the world on climate policy. Why? A) Because we export so much of our produce into those markets. B) Because there are opportunities for rural communities – particularly farmers – in a decarbonised world.

The resurrection of Barnaby Joyce just made life harder for the Nationals constituency for three solid reasons. (There are many more.)

First, farmers and producers of all products will face carbon tariffs in the next few years while the National party is fighting any policy that will see them prepare for their future.

The European Union already has carbon tariff plans with a deadline of 2023 – in the next term of government. Hell, the EU already demands sustainable certification for canola, for example, right now.

Its well signalled plans mean carbon footprints will be scrutinised in order to leap future tariff hurdles. Exporters will reach all the way back to farmers. And that requirement will spread into the rule books of other countries sure as night follows day.

So, to be clear, in threatening to blow up any climate ambition, Joyce’s Nationals could shrink our markets for agricultural exports in less than two years. (Why don’t we just punch ourselves in the head like Monty Python’s one man wrestler Colin “Bomber” Harris?)

Second, agriculture minister David Littleproud is trying to roll out a biodiversity scheme that would see farmers paid through private market partnerships with some government funding to improve habitat on farms. This program would provide diversified income for landholders riding the...

Organization:Guardian - Climate Change
Date Added:6/21/2021 6:34:57 AM