Most recent 40 articles: Yale Climate Connections - Science

(Click a 'down arrow' on the left to view an article's summary)
Got questions about climate change? Start here. - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Aug 2)
YCC en Español wants your questions about climate change - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jul 31)
Volcanoes emit carbon dioxide, but not nearly as much as humans - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Mar 12, 2024)
Why more CO2 could be bad news for crops - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Mar 11, 2024)
Zombie climate myths that refuse to die (feat. Bob Henson) - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Mar 01, 2024)
Michael Mann beat his defamers. But climate scientists are still under attack. - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Feb 28, 2024)
All this climate data is wild - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Feb 26, 2024)
What it was like to be a volunteer firefighter during the 2023 Canada fires - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Nov 28, 2023)
Eight key takeaways from the new National Climate Assessment - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Nov 20, 2023)
Climate change made Libya flooding up to 50 times more likely, 50% more intense - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Sep 27, 2023)
Sea level rise varies from place to place. Why? - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Sep 19, 2023)
Limiting warming to 1.5 degrees C would save half the world’s glaciers, study finds - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Aug 15, 2023)
Scientists investigate the climate impact of airborne dust - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jul 24, 2023)
Conservationists and farmers work together to restore the Colorado River Delta - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jul 11, 2023)
Global warming is disrupting humanity’s 'Goldilocks zone’ on Earth - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jun 28, 2023)
Is climate change affecting the polar vortex? - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Feb 01, 2023)
Smartphone apps help rural Alaskans monitor effects of warming climate - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jan 13, 2023)
Video examines issues involving jet stream role in extreme weather - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Nov 18, 2022)
Climate change is making rainfall during hurricanes more extreme - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Oct 03, 2022)
We all love trees, but they’re not the climate solution we need - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Sep 25, 2022)
Studying hurricanes at sea to save lives on shore - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Sep 23, 2022)
The climate cost of space tourism - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Sep 08, 2022)
These recent pieces take a 'big picture’ look at the climate challenge - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Sep 02, 2022)
Our imaginations can help create new climate possibilities - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Aug 09, 2022)
Tweaking cows’ diets can reduce climate-warming pollution - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jul 27, 2022)
The volcanic eruption in Alaska that rocked ancient Egypt - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jul 18, 2022)
Army Corps of Engineers invests in natural solutions to reduce flooding - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jul 07, 2022)
New manufacturing process stores carbon pollution in concrete - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jun 28, 2022)
New study offers a glimmer of hope for climate solutions success - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (May 24, 2022)
Recent readings on climate 'doomerism’ and science - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Apr 22, 2022)
Aboard MOSAiC: Hardy fish, powerful waves, shrinking ice floes - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Apr 13, 2022)
NASA mission will monitor air pollution - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Apr 12, 2022)
What causes spring floods? - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Mar 31, 2022)
The state of Arctic ice – and why it matters - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Feb 24, 2022)
What the latest science says about Antarctica and sea-level rise - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Feb 23, 2022)
Scientists agree: Climate change is real and caused by people - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Feb 17, 2022)
Utah ski resorts see declining snow quality and shorter seasons - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Jan 27, 2022)
Iceland facility sucks carbon dioxide from air, turns it into rock - Yale Climate Connections - Science  (Dec 02, 2021)