Most recent 40 articles: Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems

(Click a 'down arrow' on the left to view an article's summary)
These seeds could hold the genetic key to protecting Western forests - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Oct 14)
A new financing model could speed up forest thinning projects - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Sep 25)
How a stream restoration project in Indiana is helping to reduce flooding - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Sep 10)
Tree-planting project aims to identify climate-resilient trees - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Aug 26)
Invasive insect could accelerate release of climate pollution from forests - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Aug 23)
The bold plan to save coral reefs - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Aug 21)
Climate change threatens the already endangered Karner blue butterfly - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Aug 16)
Long-term whitebark pine restoration project aims to save the trees for future generations - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Jul 31, 2024)
The climate benefits of mangroves - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Jul 15, 2024)
Eelgrass makes a comeback along the Virginia coast - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Jul 10, 2024)
Partnership helps Chicagoans plant trees in underserved neighborhoods - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Jun 05, 2024)
Brook trout are in trouble in Adirondacks lakes - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (May 13, 2024)
In praise of shade trees - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (May 10, 2024)
Prescribed burning can reduce wildfire damage - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (May 07, 2024)
Startup mimics nature to produce zero-carbon cement - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (May 03, 2024)
Climate change threatens Africa’s rhinos - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (May 01, 2024)
How 'assisted migration’ could help species survive climate change - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Mar 12, 2024)
Amphibians are in trouble - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Jan 02, 2024)
These cryopreserved baby corals are the first to reach adulthood - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Dec 11, 2023)
Inmates are nurturing sagebrush seedlings - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Oct 27, 2023)
Climate change could increase pressure on declining American kestrel population - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Oct 09, 2023)
How green roofs can help cities adapt to climate change - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Oct 06, 2023)
A mission to protect thorn forests in the Rio Grande Valley - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Sep 29, 2023)
When salt marshes erode, they can release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Sep 04, 2023)
Healthy mangrove forests can help protect inland areas from hurricane damage - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Aug 24, 2023)
The race to save 'awe-inspiring’ giant sequoias - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Aug 23, 2023)
Beavers fight climate change, one wetland at a time - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Aug 02, 2023)
Nonprofit plants thousands of ‘super trees’ along Houston’s shipping channel - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Jul 21, 2023)
Intense winter storms caused 'heartbreaking’ losses in Western monarch population - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Jun 01, 2023)
Hoopa Tribal member fights to save California’s Trinity River and its salmon - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Apr 24, 2023)
12 books for Earth Day - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Apr 12, 2023)
Trout-stocking programs could aid fish populations as the climate warms - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Mar 31, 2023)
‘How will global warming change springtime?’ - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Mar 28, 2023)
Can saving animal and plant species help protect the climate? - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Mar 27, 2023)
Armadillos are showing up farther north as the climate warms - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Mar 21, 2023)
You can help track the impacts of climate change in your yard - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Mar 17, 2023)
Free online tool helps people identify tree species that will thrive in a warmer climate - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Mar 10, 2023)
Protecting sagebrush habitat can help wildlife and the climate - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Mar 07, 2023)
What is a 'blue carbon’ ecosystem? - Yale Climate Connections - Ecosystems  (Mar 03, 2023)