Most recent 40 articles: Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)
Renewable Energy: India’s Largest Solar Plant with Battery Storage | Chhattisgarh's Solar Plant - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Oct 11) |
Oct 11 · Chhattisgarh has made a significant leap in renewable energy by constructing India’s largest solar plant, featuring a capacity of 100 MW, with battery storage of 3 hours (or 40 MW/120 MWh). This innovative project, supported by the World Bank and Climate Investment Fund, enables the storage of solar energy generated during the day for use during peak evening demand, marking a first for India on such a large scale. The plant is strategically located on 450 acres of wasteland, preserving forest and agricultural land, and utilizes advanced solar module technology to maximize energy generation. This initiative is a critical step toward India’s goal of integrating 500 GW of renewable ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
How Education Can Equip Young People to Address Climate Change - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Sep 18) |
Sep 18 · Education is the most powerful driver of climate change awareness globally. But there's a catch – climate change is simultaneously undermining learning around the world. Enhancing climate curriculum in schools, developing green skills across all sectors, and adapting education systems to be climate-resilient can empower the next generation to tackle the climate crisis effectively. Read the full report to learn more about how education can drive meaningful climate action: #climateaction #climatechange #climateawareness \n\nWatch the report launch\n\n00:00 Education is a catalyst for climate action \n00:38 The ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
World Bank's IDA Works to Fight Climate Change and Finance Climate Adaptation - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jul 24, 2024) |
Jul 24, 2024 · The World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) works to fight climate change and finance climate adaptation in low-income countries around the world. What makes IDA such a strongly positioned tool for creating impact in these countries, especially those in Africa? Hear from Lionel Zinsou, former Prime Minister of Benin, and Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation. Learn more: #climatechange #climateaction #idaworks \n\n00:00 Building resilience against climate change\n01:08 IDA financing in Africa to tackle climate change\n01:58 The value behind IDA: development financing \n\nWatch more videos about ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Carbon Markets: Standardized Crediting Framework Regional Workshop on Paris Agreement’s Article 6 - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jun 28, 2024) |
Jun 28, 2024 · The Standardized Crediting Framework (SCF) offers a streamlined, country-owned emission reduction crediting framework that makes national carbon crediting more transparent, less costly, and quicker to realize the benefits of emissions reductions. Attended by 30 government and private sector representatives from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda, this workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya provided a platform for networking and knowledge exchange to discuss the important aspects of the Paris Agreement's Article 6 operationalization and the supportive role of the SCF on greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Learn more: ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Lebanon Country and Climate Development Report: Mitigating the Impact of Climate Change - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jun 24, 2024) |
Jun 24, 2024 · Lebanon is among the countries least prepared to face climate change. At the root of this vulnerability is the country’s limited adaptive capacity. Despite the country’s strained fiscal and institutional context, the cost of inaction is high. Critical no-regret investments in key service sectors like energy, water, transport and solid waste are urgently needed in the short-term to mitigate the impact of climate change on Lebanon’s development path. Read the new World Bank Country Climate and Development Report for Lebanon: #climateaction #climatechange\n\n💬 Subtitles (CC) available in Arabic, English\n\n00:00 The current challenges in Lebanon\n00:37 ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Energy Transition: Policy Crediting Helps Uzbekistan Reduce Carbon Emissions - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jun 10, 2024) |
Jun 10, 2024 · To help Uzbekistan fight climate change and improve its energy policy, a new World Bank program is rewarding the country for better policies through carbon payments. This innovative climate finance program will prepare Uzbekistan for the first carbon transaction in Central Asia. Learn more: #climateaction #carbonemissions \n\n00:00 Energy challenges in Uzbekistan\n00:22 The problem with energy subsidies\n00:48 Uzbekistan removes subsidies\n01:08 The Innovative Carbon Resource Application for Energy Transition Project (iCRAFT)\n01:25 Policy crediting supports a sustainable future\n\nWatch more videos on ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Tackling #ClimateChange in the Dominican Republic: Towards a Resilient and Low-Carbon Development - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (May 02, 2024) |
May 02, 2024 · By 2050, climate change impacts are expected to affect the Dominican Republic's labor productivity, health, agricultural yields, tourism, infrastructure, forests, coastal and natural ecosystems. However, the country is taking steps to reduce its vulnerability and embark on a path towards more sustainable growth. The World Bank Group's Dominican Republic Climate and Development Report highlights that the Dominican Republic can meet its climate and development goals together, benefiting both Dominicans and the economy, despite the estimated high investment needs for mitigation and adaptation. Watch this short! | By World Bank Read more ... |
Promoting Climate Action and Green Growth in the Western Balkans and Beyond - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Apr 24, 2024) |
Apr 24, 2024 · With the support of Austria's Federal Ministry of Finance and the World Bank, the Climate Support Facility's Western Balkans Plus Program has been promoting climate action and green growth across the countries of the Western Balkan Six since 2020 and expanded its activities intro Central Asia in 2023. This program shows that international collaboration, innovation, and timely funding can enable countries to address crucial climate and environmental challenges and build a more sustainable, resilient future for all. Learn more: #climateaction\n\n00:00 The Western Balkans climate challenge\n00:27 Climate Support Facility Western Balkans Program\n00:45 Program ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Climate and Health Impacts in Madagascar - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Apr 05, 2024) |
Apr 05, 2024 · As the global climate crisis escalates, its devastating impacts on human health and well-being will also accelerate. No one anywhere around the globe is beyond its reach, though millions of people – notably, women, children, the elderly, ethnic minorities, people with pre-existing health conditions, and those living in poverty – are among the most vulnerable. Unabated climate change is also expected to make the global goal of poverty reduction even more challenging to reach. A recent World Bank study estimates that climate change may push an additional 132 million people (more than half of whom live in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia), into extreme poverty by 2030, with 44 ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Why Climate Change and Health Is a Hot Issue | World Bank Expert Answers - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Apr 02, 2024) |
Apr 02, 2024 · It’s no secret that climate change is leading to parts of the world becoming uninhabitable. We know it’s fueling poverty, food insecurity, conflict and the displacement of people. But climate change is also having a devastating impact on people’s health - particularly in the developing world. And as climate change gets worse, the effects on health will also worsen. From an increase in infectious diseases and pandemics, to strains on health systems. Join us on this episode of Expert Answers as we hear from Tamer Rabie, World Bank Lead Health Specialist. He tells us what the World Bank is doing to tackle the issue and what more needs to be done. Learn more: ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Sustainable Urban Transport Can Be a Game Changer #ClimateAction #UrbanMobility - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jan 08, 2024) |
Jan 08, 2024 · Your commute to work, the family gathering, the food on your table, and the goods you buy – all rely on transport and our lives are unthinkable without it. But transport also represents a growing threat to our planet. Buses, cars, planes, ships, and trucks burn fossil fuels, and this causes climate change. Find out how cities like Dar es Salaam, Dakar, Lima, Cairo, and São Paulo are turning to urban transit systems such as Bus Rapid Transit and metro to move people quickly while reducing emissions. Learn more:\n\nABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌠The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Providing for the People: Fishermen Building Back From Tonga’s Tsunami | Building Beyond Tomorrow - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Dec 19, 2023) |
Dec 19, 2023 · In 2022, one of the largest volcanic eruptions ever recorded triggered a tsunami that devastated communities and infrastructure throughout the Kingdom of Tonga. ‘Eua island, a small island in Tonga’s east, lost the full use of its vital port following the disaster, leaving communities and businesses struggling. Now, work is underway through a World Bank program to upgrade infrastructure like roads, ports and the airport to help Tongans get back to their normal lives with confidence. This is the story of Christopher Vaohea, the Chairman of ‘Eua island's Fishing Association. Learn more: #sustainabledevelopment #pacificislands\n\n00:00 Christopher Vaohea: ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Climate Goals: How the World Bank Measures the Climate Outcomes of Projects and Operations - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Dec 15, 2023) |
Dec 15, 2023 · The World Bank is committed to eliminating poverty on a livable planet. To ensure that our development support achieves climate goals, we are introducing a new approach for measuring the climate outcomes of our projects and operations. Learn more: #climatechange \n\n0:00 How our investments are helping tackle climate change\n0:21 A new approach to measuring climate impact\n0:49 Better metrics give us better ways to track results\n\nWatch more videos on\n\nABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌠The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Tackling the #ClimateCrisis: Inger Andersen, @UNEP's Executive Director in The Development Podcast - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Dec 14, 2023) |
Dec 14, 2023 · A livable planet is directly tied to the well-being of all — Inger Andersen, the United Nations Environment Programme @UNEP Executive Director explains how a world free of poverty is not possible without climate justice, poverty justice, justice in nutrition and access to affordable food, clean air and water, in the latest edition of the World Bank Development Podcast. Listen now! | By World Bank Read more ... |
Strengthening Disaster and Climate Resilience in the Philippines - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Dec 08, 2023) |
Dec 08, 2023 · Due to its high vulnerability to disasters and climate change impacts, the Philippines has adopted a disaster risk management approach that emphasizes preparedness and resilience building. Among the latest innovations is the Ready to Rebuild: Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery Program which enhances the capacity of national and local governments to recover faster from natural disasters and climate risks. The World Bank continues to support the Philippines' transformative reforms, ensuring the resilience of the government and Filipino communities. Learn more: #disastermanagement #climateresilience 0:00 Building resilience to climate change and natural ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
The Future of Climate: Youth Leadership at COP28 | Talking Development - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Dec 07, 2023) |
Dec 07, 2023 · COP28, hosted this year by Dubai, marks the midway point between the 2015 Paris Agreement and 2030 targets for the Sustainable Development Goals. To address the remaining work towards meeting these targets, World Bank Managing Director Anna Bjerde meets with youth climate ambassadors Ashawnté Russell and Muskan Lodhi about how young people are driving climate action. They discuss what being climate ambassadors means to them, the importance of youth representation at COP, and what they’re hopeful for the future. Learn more: #cop28uae #climateaction \n\n0:00 Meet our youth climate ambassadors\n0:56 What it's like being a climate ambassador\n2:28 Why come to ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Global Warming: Helping Countries Reduce Methane Emissions - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Dec 02, 2023) |
Dec 02, 2023 · Methane is a potent greenhouse gas: about 80 times more powerful in trapping heat than carbon dioxide over 20 years. Methane abatement is the fastest and most cost-effective strategy to keep the goal of limiting warming to 1.5ºC within reach while supporting the livelihoods of billions. The World Bank Group is helping countries reduce methane emissions while also enabling development gains. Learn more: #globalwarming #climatechange \n\n00:00 Methane: the other greenhouse gas\n00:30 Where does methane come from?\n01:23 How the World Bank is helping countries reduce methane\n\nWatch more videos on ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Building Transparent and Inclusive Carbon Markets in Costa Rica - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Dec 01, 2023) |
Dec 01, 2023 · There is huge potential for carbon markets to get financing to communities and developing countries that need it the most to fight climate change. In countries such as Costa Rica, the World Bank is working with indigenous peoples, local communities, and governments to build greater integrity and trust in carbon markets, while ensuring the money earned from carbon credits benefits the communities who work to reduce emissions. Learn more:\n\n00:00 Indigenous communities are at the heart of climate action\n00:52 The role of carbon markets\n01:26 Helping build greater integrity and trust in carbon markets\n01:41 The example of Costa Rica\n\nWatch more related ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Impact of Climate Change on Health: The Cost of Inaction - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Dec 01, 2023) |
Dec 01, 2023 · The links between climate, poverty and health are clear. The climate crisis is a health-risk multiplier. Extreme weather events are devastating health globally. By 2030, climate's negative health effects could drive 40M people into extreme poverty. With climate pressures putting a burden on already stressed health systems, the cost of inaction on lives and the planet is huge. The World Bank's climate and health initiative helps design country-tailored solutions and scale up investments to build climate-resilient health systems. Together we can build a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come. Learn more: #climatechange #healthsystem ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Adapting to a New Climate Reality in the Pacific | Building Beyond Tomorrow - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Nov 17, 2023) |
Nov 17, 2023 · The Pacific region, home to over two million people across numerous island nations, faces a critical challenge: climate change - which is making communities and infrastructure more vulnerable. So how do you build essential public infrastructure - like roads, bridges and ports - knowing they'll face recurring natural disasters like cyclones and floods, exacerbated by climate change? Adapting isn't just about survival; it's about thriving despite these challenges. The World Bank's Pacific Climate Resilient Transport Program is working with Pacific countries to help to help make communities, and their most vital infrastructure, more resilient to extreme weather events and climate change. ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Climate Resilient Transport Infrastructure in the Pacific | Building Beyond Tomorrow - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Nov 17, 2023) |
Nov 17, 2023 · The World Bank’s Pacific Climate Resilient Transport Program supports governments across the Pacific to upgrade vital transport infrastructure to help make communities more resilient to extreme weather events and climate change. Through this program, close to 400,000 people across Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu are expected to benefit from greater access to transport services; effectively 45% of the population across these six countries. Learn more: #sustainabledevelopment #pacificislands 00:00 Constant hits from natural disasters 00:40 What is the Pacific Climate Resilient Transport Program 01:27 ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Decarbonization: The Political Economy of Climate Transformation - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Nov 17, 2023) |
Nov 17, 2023 · How is it possible that despite multiple pledges and commitments, rapid progress in key technologies, and the implementation of more than 4,500 climate policies, the world is not on track to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement? | By World Bank Read more ... |
Local Strength, Global Impact: Tonga's Path to Climate Resilient Infrastructure - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Nov 17, 2023) |
Nov 17, 2023 · After experiencing severe cyclones, a volcanic eruption and tsunami in the past five years, Tongans are coming together to reduce the impact of extreme weather on vital infrastructure. Local contractors like Jean Malupo Veilofia and her family business, have been employed to upgrade roads, keeping vital skills and income in the community. Tongan workers are also getting the opportunity to respond and rebuild after disasters, which is making the most of local knowledge and building long-term resilience. Learn more: #sustainabledevelopment #pacificislands \n\n00:00 Jean Malupo Veilofia: 'What makes me really proud...'\n00:41 Road construction on 'Eua ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Providing for the People: Fishermen Building Back From Tonga’s Tsunami | Building Beyond Tomorrow - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Nov 17, 2023) |
Nov 17, 2023 · In 2022, one of the largest volcanic eruptions ever recorded triggered a tsunami that devastated communities and infrastructure throughout the Kingdom of Tonga. ‘Eua island, a small island in Tonga’s east, lost the full use of its vital port following the disaster, leaving communities and businesses struggling. Now, work is underway through a World Bank program to upgrade infrastructure like roads, ports and the airport to help Tongans get back to their normal lives with confidence. This is the story of Christopher Vaohea, the Chairman of ‘Eua island's Fishing Association. Learn more: #sustainabledevelopment #pacificislands \n\n00:00 Christopher Valhea: ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Building Beyond Tomorrow: Recovering From a Tsunami to Build a Bright Future in Tonga - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Nov 08, 2023) |
Nov 08, 2023 · For the people of ‘Eua island, in the east of Tonga, the island’s wharf is a lifeline; their connection to the rest of the country, and world. When the port was hit by repeated cyclones and king tides in 2021, and then by destroyed by a massive tsunami in January 2022, small businesses like the one owned by local Aloinea Havea suffered greatly, unable to receive new stock. A World Bank project has led the restoration of the wharf on ‘Eua, helping the island’s community to recover swiftly. Learn more: #disasterrecovery #climateresilience \n\n00:00 Meet Aloine Havea, from 'Eua island, Tonga\n00:18 Getting supplies from the mainland\n00:29 A tsunami hits ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
The Republic of Congo: Rising to the Climate Challenge - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Oct 19, 2023) |
Oct 19, 2023 · At the heart of the Congo Basin, the Republic of Congo is striving to promote shared prosperity for its people and the planet. Without reforms to diversify the economy and more climate actions, economic losses could reach up to 17% of GDP by 2050. Watch this video to learn how Congo can reverse the tide. Learn more: 00:00 Abundant natural resources 00:28 Climate challenges ahead 01:31 The Republic of Congo’s Country Climate and Development Report 03:17 A whole of a society approach to build a prosperous future ABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌠The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Colombia Green Building Transformation: Advancing a Low-Carbon Future - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Oct 02, 2023) |
Oct 02, 2023 · Colombia’s building industry is going green. A mandatory #GreenBuilding code and tax incentives have resulted in buildings that are more energy- and water-efficient. Catalytic financing from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank, helped drive climate-friendly construction. Learn more in the World Bank report: Reality Check: Lessons from 25 Policies Advancing a Low-Carbon Future.\n\n💬 Subtitles (CC) available in English, Arabic, French, Spanish\n\n00:00 Colombia’s commitment to a low-carbon future\n00:23 Green building market transformation in Colombia\n00:56 EDGE green building certification granted by ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
India's Solar Success and the Policies Behind It: Advancing a Low-Carbon Future - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Sep 25, 2023) |
Sep 25, 2023 · How did India become one of the world's fastest-growing solar markets? Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General of the International Solar Alliance, explains how India enabled #SolarEnergy to become cost competitive so that today, 90% of new electricity in the country is based on solar energy. Learn more in the World Bank report: Reality Check: Lessons from 25 Policies Advancing a Low-Carbon Future. 00:00 Reality Check report case study: The rise of solar power in India 00:32 Cost-competitive solar energy: How India did it 00:50 The REWA Ultra Mega Solar Power Project 01:19 How the solar ecosystem is evolving ABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌠The World Bank ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Climate Policies for a Low-Carbon Future: Lessons from 25 Case Studies - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Sep 19, 2023) |
Sep 19, 2023 · Despite more than 4,500 climate policies over the last three decades, the world is still on track for unprecedented #ClimateChange – and many remain unsure how to implement the changes we need to make a difference. Yet some government policies have successfully tackled the effects of a changing climate and are still making tangible progress. A new World Bank report, | By World Bank Read more ... |
The Social Dimensions of Climate Change in Solomon Islands - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Aug 01, 2023) |
Aug 01, 2023 · The World Bank is working with communities across Solomon Islands to better understand how people on the front lines of climate change have been adapting to land loss, displacement, and migration. These lessons provide important insights into how our work, and the work of our partners, can better meet the needs and priorities of those most in need. Hear from people from small islands facing land loss, climate migrants in the capital, Honiara, and women in remote rural villages who are facing these challenges first hand. Learn more:\n\n00:00 Helping local communities adapt to the impacts of climate change\n00:49 Karaina settlement: Assistance with basic ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Uprooted Communities and Climate Migration in Solomon Islands - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Aug 01, 2023) |
Aug 01, 2023 · In Solomon Islands, the impacts of climate change are driving more people to move, uprooting communities and creating population pressures elsewhere. In new research, Local Responses to Climate Change and Disaster-Related Migration in Solomon Islands, we are learning directly from these communities to understand how our assistance can be better tailored to meet the needs of these communities. This is essential when groups are removed from social networks that play a vital role in community resilience. Deepening our understanding of the social dimensions of climate change is essential to building resilience and developing effective policies and programs within the Solomon Islands - and ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Curbing Deforestation: Sustainable Cocoa Farming Yields Carbon Credits for Ghana - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jul 19, 2023) |
Jul 19, 2023 · In Ghana, cocoa farmers are improving their yields and mitigating climate change at the same time, by adopting climate-smart growing practices that help to curb deforestation. With support from the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), Ghana and other countries are generating high-quality, high integrity jurisdictional carbon credits to realize their climate goals and gain access to international carbon markets. In January 2023, Ghana received $4.8 million from the FCPF for reducing nearly one million tons of carbon emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation – with up to $45 million expected by the end of 2024. Learn more: ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
How the Central African Republic Is Scaling up Its Response to Food Insecurity - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jul 07, 2023) |
Jul 07, 2023 · In the Central African Republic, nearly half of its population is currently grappling with severe food insecurity. In response, the Emergency Food Crisis Response Project, has provided agricultural inputs and technical support to nearly 329,000 small producers, –half of whom are women. This support has significantly local production and strengthened the resilience of smallholder producers. Learn more:\n\n💬 Subtitles (CC) available in English, French\n\n0:00 Nearly 3 million Central Africans are currently facing severe food insecurity\n0:50 The FAO and WFP provided some equipment and seeds\n01:15 Combating food insecurity in the country\n02:39 Improving ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Adapting to Climate Change in Fragile and Conflict Settings | World Bank Group at COP28, Dubai - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jun 22, 2023) |
Jun 22, 2023 · Development and climate change are interlocked challenges, but they also present interconnected solutions. To address both together, the World Bank Group has shifted its focus from greening projects to greening entire economies. Aligning the Bank’s financing flows with the Paris Agreement on climate change is a key step in our journey to reduce poverty while also tackling the climate challenge. Our commitment is to deliver on both goals as we work to create a world free from poverty on a livable planet. Learn more:\n\n00:00 Climate and development are interlocked challenges\n00:24 Tackling poverty and climate change together\n00:55 Aligning all new ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Addressing Climate Change and Development Together | The World Bank Group and Paris Alignment - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jun 22, 2023) |
Jun 22, 2023 · Development and climate change are interlocked challenges, but they also present interconnected solutions. To address both together, the World Bank Group has shifted its focus from greening projects to greening entire economies. Aligning the Bank’s financing flows with the Paris Agreement on climate change is a key step in our journey to reduce poverty while also tackling the climate challenge. Our commitment is to deliver on both goals as we work to create a world free from poverty on a livable planet. Learn more:\n\n00:00 Climate and development are interlocked challenges\n00:24 Tackling poverty and climate change together\n00:55 Aligning all new ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Repurposing Environmentally Harmful Subsidies Could Help Address Climate Change | Detox Development - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jun 15, 2023) |
Jun 15, 2023 · Trillions of dollars are wasted on subsidies for agriculture, fishing and fossil fuels that could be used to help address climate change instead of harming people and the planet. Discover the powerful insights of the World Bank's latest report, 'Detox Development: Repurposing Environmentally Harmful Subsidies.' Get a concise understanding of the impact of these subsidies on global climate and how we can transform them into solutions for a sustainable future. Unveil the hidden facts about harmful practices exacerbating climate change and their true cost to our planet. It's not just about the money, it's about the survival of our environment and humanity. Learn more: ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Choosing our Future: Education for Climate Action - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jun 08, 2023) |
Jun 08, 2023 · The World Bank is supporting countries to invest in the human capital (education, health and well-being) of their populations, including women and the vulnerable, so that they can better cope with and adapt to a changing climate and have the skills and abilities to meet the demands of the green economy. Learn more:\n\nABOUT THE WORLD BANK GROUP 🌠The World Bank Group is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development. | By World Bank Read more ... |
People Are at the Heart of the World Bank’s Climate Agenda - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jun 08, 2023) |
Jun 08, 2023 · The World Bank is supporting countries to invest in the human capital (education, health and well-being) of their populations, including women and the vulnerable, so that they can better cope with and adapt to a changing climate and have the skills and abilities to meet the demands of the green economy. Learn more:\n\nABOUT THE WORLD BANK GROUP 🌠The World Bank Group is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development. | By World Bank Read more ... |
Climate Action Data Trust: A Public Good Metadata Platform Empowering Global Carbon Markets - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (Jun 07, 2023) |
Jun 07, 2023 · Climate Action Data Trust is a global platform that links, aggregates and harmonises all carbon credit data from project registries to facilitate transparent accounting. The CAD Trust open-source metadata system uses distributed ledger technology to create a decentralised record of carbon market activity with the aim to avoid double counting, increase trust in carbon credit data and build confidence in carbon markets. The CAD Trust Data Platform has been designed to reflect the system’s data architecture, encompassing 40 data sets presented in a harmonised, easily accessible, and user-friendly format. This platform caters to the needs of individual and small commercial users, ... | By World Bank Read more ... |
Building Greener, More Resilient & Inclusive Cities | Climate Change & Urbanization - Climate Change (World Bank - Playlist)  (May 18, 2023) |
May 18, 2023 · With over half of the world's population living in cities, and expected to increase to 70% by 2050, urbanization is a significant driver of both prosperity and climate change. Cities contribute 80% of global economic activity and 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. How do we transform our urban landscapes to be greener, more resilient, and more inclusive in the face of climate change? This video, based on a new World Bank report, | By World Bank Read more ... |