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Title:This is Fine

Can’t believe they filmed a real life “this is fine” meme for climate change.

It’s in Paris. I think it’s related to the recent protests about Macron raising the retirement age for blue-collar workers (not people who fly desks, but who are on their feet all day).

[Macron’s position is that France doesn’t have the demographics for a smaller younger generation to support the earlier retirement for the older generations. This wouldn’t be an issue where young immigrants can be used to back-fill the labor force.]

AIR CONDITIONING THE MOTHER EARTH ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? #Not_CO2_GHG #CO2_PlantFood #Earth ???????????????????? #IPCC #UNEP #IMF #EarthShotPrize2023 #UNEP2023 #NobelPeace2023 #Water ?? #ClimateChange #GlobalCompact2023 #WorldWaterResearcher ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??

Organization:Climate Crocks
Date Added:3/26/2023 6:39:40 AM