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View Type Title Content Summary Date Organization Info Details
View Article European Green Deal is a double-edged sword for global emissions,... The European Union aims to be... 9/20/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Location, location, location: Snowpack storage and runoff timing in... Increasingly severe wildfires at high... 9/20/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Oceanic life found to be thriving thanks to Saharan dust blown from... Iron is a micronutrient indispensable... 9/20/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Ocean warming as a trigger for irreversible retreat of the Antarctic... Warmer ocean conditions could impact... 9/19/2024 Nature Climate Change Info Details
View Article Arctic weather satellite's first images capture Storm Boris Just a month after its launch, ESA's... 9/19/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Lake ice quality degrading as planet warms - skaters, hockey players,... Ice may look safe for a game of pick-up... 9/19/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article NOAA debuts first imagery from GOES-19 On Sept. 18, 2024, NOAA shared the first... 9/19/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article 'Red Flags' on Climate: U.S. Methane Emissions Keep Climbing 9/19/2024 New York Times - Climate Section Info Details
View Article 'Side job, self-employed, high-paid': Behind the AI slop flooding... Given its outlandish nature and tenuous... 9/19/2024 PHYS.ORG - Technology Info Details
View Article A Company's Struggles Raise Questions About the Future of Lithium... When a new study suggested that vast... 9/19/2024 Info Details
View Article A Trump Debate Comment About German Energy Policy Leaves Germans... In his closing statement at last week’s... 9/19/2024 Info Details
View Article Arctic warming is driving Siberian wildfires Wildfire activity in central Siberia,... 9/19/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Arctic warming may fuel ice formation in clouds, observations suggest The Arctic frequently experiences... 9/19/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Asphalt Schoolyards Get a Shady Makeover Schools across the country are adding... 9/19/2024 New York Times - Climate Section Info Details
View Article Assessing the environmental impacts of Brazil's biofuel sector Mathematical analysis reveals that... 9/19/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Astronomers' new technique measures temperature of a star with high... Astronomers study stars by looking at... 9/19/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Australian study finds that lead in the environment is reducing Efforts to reduce the presence of... 9/19/2024 PHYS.ORG - Earth Info Details
View Article Backlash Erupts Over Europe's Anti-Deforestation Law Leaders around the world are asking the... 9/19/2024 New York Times - Climate Section Info Details
View Article Balancing Risk and Impact in the Evolving Carbon Market The rapid growth of the voluntary carbon... 9/19/2024 Sustainable Brands Info Details
View Article Climate change is sending ticks into new areas. Georgia researchers... On a blisteringly hot, sunny day this... 9/19/2024 Grist Climate and Energy Info Details

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PHYS.ORG - Earth

European Green Deal is a double-edged sword for global emissions, analysis suggests

The European Union aims to be carbon-neutral by 2050 as part of the comprehensive Green Deal that was agreed upon four years ago. However, an analysis of the policy documents outlining the practical measures of the Green Deal shows that it will decrease carbon emissions in Europe, but also...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Location, location, location: Snowpack storage and runoff timing in burn scars depend on site and terrain

Increasingly severe wildfires at high elevations are impacting snowpack - an important reservoir for the U.S. West. The altered landscape makes it more challenging to predict when snow will melt and how much water will be available for use. Colorado State University researchers studied the 2020...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Oceanic life found to be thriving thanks to Saharan dust blown from thousands of kilometers away

Iron is a micronutrient indispensable for life, enabling processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, and DNA synthesis. Iron availability is often a limiting resource in today's oceans, which means that increasing the flow of iron into them can increase the amount of carbon fixed by...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

Nature Climate Change

Ocean warming as a trigger for irreversible retreat of the Antarctic ice sheet

Warmer ocean conditions could impact future ice loss from Antarctica due to their ability to thin and reduce the buttressing of laterally confined ice shelves. Previous studies highlight the potential for a cold to warm ocean regime shift within the sub-shelf cavities of the two largest...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Just a month after its launch, ESA's Arctic Weather Satellite has already delivered its first images, notably capturing Storm Boris, which has been wreaking havoc across central Europe. Equipped with a 19-channel cross-track scanning microwave radiometer, the satellite's mission is to penetrate...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Lake ice quality degrading as planet warms - skaters, hockey players, ice truckers on thin ice

Ice may look safe for a game of pick-up hockey on the lake, but as a new study out of York University found, looks can be deceiving. Warming winters are not only affecting ice thickness and timing - when a lake freezes and thaws - but also quality, making it potentially unstable and unsafe. When...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

On Sept. 18, 2024, NOAA shared the first images of the Western Hemisphere from its GOES-19 satellite. The satellite's Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) instrument recently captured stunning views of Earth. GOES-19, NOAA's newest geostationary satellite, launched on June 25, 2024, onboard a Falcon...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

New York Times - Climate Section

Date Added:September 19, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Technology

'Side job, self-employed, high-paid': Behind the AI slop flooding TikTok and Facebook

Given its outlandish nature and tenuous relationship with reality, you might think this so-called "AI slop" would quickly disappear. However, it shows no sign of abating. In fact, our research suggests this kind of low-quality AI-generated content is becoming a lucrative venture for the people...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

A Company's Struggles Raise Questions About the Future of Lithium Extraction in Pennsylvania

When a new study suggested that vast quantities of the critical mineral lithium could be found in Pennsylvania’s fracking wastewater, Eureka Resources seemed perfectly positioned to take advantage of the frenzy of publicity that followed. In 2023, Eureka announced it had extracted 97 percent...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

A Trump Debate Comment About German Energy Policy Leaves Germans Perplexed

In his closing statement at last week’s presidential debate, Donald Trump made a blink-and-you-miss-it comment that earned a pointed response from the German government. “You believe in things like we’re not going to frack, we’re not going to take fossil fuel, we’re not going to do things...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Wildfire activity in central Siberia, Russia, has doubled in the past 2 decades, scorching vast areas of forest and releasing carbon stored in the rich soils and permafrost underneath. The Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the world, and scientists already know that the effects of...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

The Arctic frequently experiences temperatures that support the formation of mixed-phase clouds that contain supercooled liquid droplets and ice crystals. The composition of such clouds plays a crucial role in the region's energy balance and climate system. Clouds with more liquid last longer...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

New York Times - Climate Section

Schools across the country are adding trees, tent-like structures and water to their playgrounds as temperatures soar. The bare hot asphalt schoolyard of the American past is getting a redo. The schoolyard of the future has trees to play under, or canvas canopies to shade a climbing gym. Some...

Author:Somini Sengupta
Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Mathematical analysis reveals that within Brazil's agriculture and livestock industry, the biofuels sector is most heavily reliant on other sectors with high greenhouse gas emissions. Brazil is a world leader in biofuel production, but the environmental sustainability of the sector has faced...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Astronomers' new technique measures temperature of a star with high precision

Astronomers study stars by looking at the different colors of light they emit - colors they capture and analyze using spectroscopy. Now a team led by Université de Montréal's Étienne Artigau has developed a technique that uses a star's spectrum to chart variations in its temperature to the...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

PHYS.ORG - Earth

Efforts to reduce the presence of harmful metals like lead in the environment are having an effect, according to the results of an EPA Victoria study. The study, titled "Trace elements in liver and muscle tissues from wild waterfowls in Australia: Risk associated with human consumption in a...

Date Added:September 20, 2024

New York Times - Climate Section

Leaders around the world are asking the European Union to delay rules that would require companies to police their global supply chains. Reporting from London The European Union has been a world leader on climate change, passing groundbreaking legislation to reduce noxious greenhouse gasses. Now...

Author:Patricia Cohen
Date Added:September 20, 2024

Sustainable Brands

The rapid growth of the voluntary carbon market has resulted in a mismatch between supply of and demand for quality carbon credits. As the voluntary carbon market (VCM) matures, its focus is shifting towards measures of quality and integrity. It’s becoming clear, however, that “quality” and...

Date Added:September 19, 2024

Grist Climate and Energy

Climate change is sending ticks into new areas. Georgia researchers are on it.

On a blisteringly hot, sunny day this summer, Emory University researcher Arabella Lewis made her way through the underbrush in a patch of woods in Putnam County, Georgia, about an hour southeast of Atlanta. She was after something most people try desperately to avoid while in the woods: ticks....

Date Added:September 19, 2024