<--Climate Dashboard

Climate Change Trends

Images and screenshots from various Web pages.

Climate Reanalyzer

2 Meter Temparature - World (10/15/2024)


Climate Reanalyzer

2 Meter Temperature - Northern Hemisphere (10/15/2024)


Climate Reanalyzer

2 Meter Temperature - Southern Hemisphere (10/15/2024)


Climate Reanalyzer

2 Meter Temperature - Arctic (10/15/2024)


Climate Reanalyzer

2 Meter Temperature - Antarctic (10/15/2024)


Climate Reanalyzer

2 Meter Temperature - Tropics (10/15/2024)


Climate Reanalyzer

Daily Sea Surface Temperature - World (60N-60S) (10/15/2024)


Climate Reanalyzer

Daily Sea Surface Temperature - North Atlantic (10/15/2024)


Climate Reanalyzer

Daily Sea Ice Extent - Arctic (10/15/2024)


Climate Reanalyzer

Daily Sea Ice Extent - Antarctic (10/15/2024)


National Snow and Ice Data Center

Arctic Sea Ice Extent


National Snow and Ice Data Center

Arctic Sea Ice Extent


National Snow and Ice Data Center

Greenland daily Melt Plot



Arctic Sea Ice Extent


Polar Science Center

Monthly Arctic Sea Ice Volume for April and Sep


Polar Science Center

Average Arctic sea ice thickness for a selection of years.



Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Extent - May Anomolies (1966-2020)


World glacier monitoring service

Annual mass balance change of reference glaciers 1950-2020 (excl. Antarctica and Greenland)


Geophysical Research Letters (2020)

Greenland (left) and Antartica (right) Ice Sheet Mass Loss (2002-2020)


The Keeling Curve

Mauna Loa CO2 - Last Two Years



Annual mean carbon dioxide growth rates for Mauna Loa



Recent Global CH4 Monthly Means



Global CH4 Monthly Means


Global Change.Gov

Annual greenhouse gas index (AGGI)


CBS News

Annual Sea Level Rise (1990-20200


Columbia (Hansen)

Comparison of temperature of several years in recent past


Columbia (Hansen)

Global Average Temperature


Columbia (Hansen)

Surface Temparature Relative to 1950-1981 Mean


Japan Meteorlogoical Agency

Global Ocean Heat Content



Change In Ocean Heat Content 1993-2019


United States Drought Monitor

US Drought Monitor


National Hurricane Center

Atlantic Tropical Cyclones and Disturbances .