Skeptical Science
This Fact Page displays text and images related to global warming and climate change
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| | | | | | Where is global warming goingOnly about 2.3% of the excess energy is used to warm the atmosphere, while about 1.3% is used to melt glaciers and about 0.8% is used to melt Arctic sea ice. | | | |
Artcic sea ice extent for the last 1,450 years
Artcic sea ice extent for the last 1,450 years | Reconstructed Arctic sea ice extent over the past 1,450 years, from Kinnard et al. (2011). | Although more Arctic sea ice survived this year [2014] than in the record-shattering melt of 2012, in 2014 the ice was nevertheless at its 6th-lowest level in thousands of years. About 70% of the sea ice in the Arctic has disappeared over the past three decades, mainly due to human-caused global warming. This rapid decline is well outside “the normal range” of Arctic sea ice extent and volume. | | Source: Sceptical Science | URL: |
Total Heat Content (Oceans, Atmosphere, and Land) - 1960-2008
Total Heat Content (Oceans, Atmosphere, and Land) - 1960-2008 | Land, atmosphere, and ice heating (red), 0-700 meter ocean heat content (OHC) increase (light blue), 700-2,000 meter OHC increase (dark blue). From Nuccitelli et al. (2012). | The total heat content of the Earth has been rising at a relatively costant pace since about 1965. Most of the heat (about 80%) has been absorbed by the oceans. | | Source: Sceptical Science | URL: |
Where is global warming going
Where is global warming going | Only about 2.3% of the excess energy is used to warm the atmosphere, while about 1.3% is used to melt glaciers and about 0.8% is used to melt Arctic sea ice. | Figure 1: components of global warming for the period 1993 to 2003 calculated from IPCC AR4 | The percentages were calculated from Figure 5.4 from Section of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report (h/t to Humanity Rules for the heads up). The IPCC graph shows changes in energy content for two different periods: 1961 to 2003 and 1993 to 2003. The ocean heat figure of 93.4% is almost certainly an underestimate as it only includes ocean heat down to 700 metres (Levitus 2005). | | URL: (The text for the image(s) on this Web page was taken from the above source.) |