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U.S. Carbon Dioxide Removal Responsibilities For IPCC Temperature Targets and GHG Emission Pathways
Total U.S Carbon Dioxide Removal Responsibilities For IPCC Temperature Targets and GHG Emission Pathways
# Start Year Net Zero Year Annual Global GHG Emissions 2020  Cumulative Emissions/CDR Carbon Dioxide Removal For Temperature Target
1.5°C 1.75°C 2.0°C
Budget US Resp Budget US Resp Budget US Resp
242 20% 718 20% 1180 20%
Gross CDR Net Global  U.S. Global  U.S. Global  U.S.
1 2021 2040 52 780 260 520 538 108 62 12    
2 2021 2050 52 1092 312 780 850 170 374 75    
3 2021 2060 52 1404 364 1040 1162 232 686 137 224 45
4 2021 2070 52 1716 416 1300 1474 295 998 200 536 107
5 2031 2050 52 1300 260 1040 1058 212 582 116 120 24
6 2031 2060 52 1612 312 1300 1370 274 894 179 432 86
7 2031 2070 52 1924 364 1560 1682 336 1206 241 744 149
8 2031 2080 52 2236 416 1820 1994 399 1518 304 1056 211
All emissions and CDR amounts are in units of GTCO2e
1. The “Global CDR” is calculated as the sum of the CDR for the emissions pathway and the difference between the emission pathway’s “net” emissions and the temperature target’s budget (e.g., for the first pathway and 1.5°C, 240 + (500-170) = 570)
2. GHG Emission Pathways assume that "Annual Emissions" continue until the "Start Year", are reduced by  80% of the annual amount in the "Net Zero Year",  and become zero thirty years later
3, Pathway #2 is the global goal for net zero in 2050
4. Pathway #6 represents an estimate of the  current NDC commitments - roughly constant emissions through 2030 - followed by an  80% reduction of the annual amount in 2060,  and becoming zero thirty years later
5. The "US Responsibility"  is an estimate of the amount of global carbon dioxide removal for which the US will be responsible
6. A "US Responsibility" of 20% for 1.5°C and  1.75°C is consistent with US GDP, historical emissions, etc.  It might be a bit high for 2.0°C
7. In Column G, the CDR  for pathways # 5-#8 are same as the corresponding pathways #1-#4 since the CDR has also been delayed by 10 years and emissions from 2020 to 2030 were assumed to be constant
URL:     http://www.fairallocation.org